Active Origami Posts

Money Origami, Flower Edition: 10 Different Ways to Fold a Dollar Bill into a Blossoming Bloom

The very first banknotes were used by the Chinese in the 7th century, during the Tang Dynasty. Before it was used as an actual currency, paper money was part of a deposit system in which merchants would leave large amounts of coins with a trusted associate and receive a paper receipt for the transaction. The reason was simple — the copper coins used as currency then were heavy.

How To: Fold an origami magic ball by Kade Chan

The origami magic ball is a very popular but few tutorials show you how to make one in greater detail than this four part series. This complicated paper design takes a little while to create but is worth it in the end when you have a totally unique, fluffy new toy to play with. This origami ball was designed by Kade Chan and is one of the best.

How To: Origami a swan using hundreds of paper triangles

This video shows how to make an origami swan using 471 paper triangles. Your loved one will appreciate this gift because you put in a tremendous amount of effort, dedication and patience required for origami, but its easy to assemble and the only money you will spend is cost of 15 paper sheets. Good luck!

How To: Fold a Magic Rose Cube—A Flower in a Box Origami Puzzle

To play off Gertrude Stein's famous quote, a rose is a rose is a magic paper cube. And with this paper folder's guide, you'll learn how to make your very own magic rose cube from paper using the Japanese art of origami. This design by Valerie Vann, and folded by YouTuber German Fernandez, is great for Valentine's Day or any other day where a paper puzzle rose is needed. Just be prepared... it's a not just a puzzle origami rose, it's a puzzle folding it.

News: Watch a Piece of Paper Get Destroyed with 7 Folds

It's almost impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times under normal circumstances. Sure, the guys on MythBusters managed to fold a piece of paper eleven times, but they used a sheet of paper the size of a football field and needed the help of a forklift and steamroller to get the job done.

How To: Origami a ballin' dollar bill elephant

Dollar bill origami is fun, simple & cute. All you need is a dollar bill and some origami folding skills. Spend your spare dollar on some creativity... and you will end up with a cute origami figurine. Watch this origami money tutorial to learn how to fold an elephant with an eye.

How To: Origami a dollar bill rhinoceros

Dollar bill origami is fun, simple & cute. All you need is a dollar bill and some origami folding skills. Spend your spare dollar on some creativity... and you will end up with a cute origami figurine. Watch this origami money tutorial to learn how to fold a Rhinoceros out of Dollar Bill.

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