Hot Origami How-Tos

How To: Fold a star from a drinking straw

This video will teach you hot to fold a star from a drinking straw. These stars are great as gifts! They can be stored in a glass or see-through jar. Each star represents a little bit of your feelings. Countless stars represent enormous love!

How To: Fold a heart from a drinking straw

This is a video how to fold a heart from drinking straws. It requires a pair of normal drinking straws(Try not to use hard straws,eg:fastfood restaurant straws are pretty hard!) You can purchase specially made straws from craft shops in many colors!

How To: Origami a Box

So, you're great at origami, but you have no place to put all those folded paper cranes and fish? Fear not, for this origami video will teach you how you can fold your very own paper box, which will hold anything from cranes to crayons.

How To: Origami a paper ball

All sorts of things can be made from origami: cranes, elephants, dragons, and even flowers. But have you ever seen an origami ball? This video will teach you how to fold your very own origami ball our of a piece of paper.

How To: Origami a Sorcerer

Origami can seem like magic sometimes, but in reality, it's just really cool paper folding. And every origami sorcerer should know how to fold their own origami sorcerer. This tutorial video will show you how to make your very own folded paper wizard.

How To: Origami a Cobra

Is your repertoire of origami reptiles repugnant? Well fear not, because with this tutorial video, you can learn to fold your very own origami cobra. Just make you don't get a paper cut when you fold the fangs.

How To: Origami an Angelfish

Is your origami aquarium all washed up? Well, with this video, you can learn to fold your very own origami Angelfish. This fish will surely bring some life back into your aquatic paper environment.