How To: Make a Scottie dog from folded paper with origami

Make a Scottie dog from folded paper with origami

Take a piece of paper and fold it triangle wise. Then unfold it and fold two edged sides towards the center. Then turn back in the same manner and fold right there. Then again turn back and fold two sides as done before. Then straight that part and fold into two sides and then fold one side to an upside direction. Then fold it downwards holding the center part. Then again fold downward the folded portion and a little bit upward the edged part. Keep intact the edged portion. Then fold the next side towards the center and again fold it upwards as done before. Then a shape of dog comes automatically. Gently press on the lower part's top and bottom positions keeping in mind the shape of dog. Also press the upper part in the same way and amazingly the dog is ready. Ear part and jaw part can be settled.

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