During my early elementary school years, origami was my go-to pastime. When it came to learning about it in art class, I ventured out well past the basics that were being taught.
A friend of mine during that time had seen a folded dragon head and wanted to emulate it; so we went to work constructing what you see below.

Forming a Square (If Required)
If you are using A4 (or other rectangular-shaped paper), you must first form a square. This is easily achieved by aligning the short edge of the page with an adjacent long edge. Form the diagonal crease and cut off the area outside the folded triangle.

Let's begin...
Center Creases
Make center creases on your page vertically, horizontally, and in both diagonal directions.

Bird Base, Part I
Using the horizontal creases as guides, pull all four corners together. See the photos below for further detail.

Bird Base, Part II
Fold the open edges so they align with the center crease. Do this with both of the lower edge of the diamond.

Using the newly formed straight line near the top of the diamond, fold down the top small triangle.

Unfold the last three folds.
Grasp the top single layer, using the most recent folds as guides to form a long slender diamond.

The Other Side
Flip your work over, grasp the single top layer and fold up to match the top corner.

Fold Corners
For both sides of the work, take the left corner and fold it to line up with the right, revealing a fresh perspective.

Fold Top Layer Up
With your work aligned the same as the photo above, fold the top layer up to match the point directly above the horizontal crease. Repeat on opposite side.

Folding Top Layer Up Again
Rotating the work 90 degrees, again take the top layer and fold up, keeping the edges aligned.

Tuck the point inside the pocket.

Repeat on opposite side.
Accordion Fold
Accordion fold the long "spike".

Make It 3D!
Give your project some 3D depth by inserting you finger into the opening at the back and flattening out the chin causing the mouth to open slightly.

Enjoy your freshly folded dragon head!
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