You know that big yellow book that's always sitting there in your closet collecting dust and sometimes acting as a nice door stopper? It's called a phone book. Yes, ladies and gents, there was a time ...
Who uses phonebooks these days anyway? Even if you still find some use out of your current Yellow Pages tome, it's more likely than not that you're searching up "Thai food restaurants" on Google than ...
Is it going to be an origami angel or a star that'll top your Christmas tree this yearj? If you're going with an angel, then why not personalize it a bit by making it yourself? Check out this cool ori ...
During the holidays, usually one of the hardest decisions you'll ever make when decorating your tree is whether you want to top it all off with a star or an angel. If an angel is your tree topper of c ...
Even today we still can't tell for sure of the loch ness monster existed - or exists. But if you find the myth fascinating, why not hone your origami skills while building your own mini loch ness mons ...
The tyrannosaurus rex, or T-Rex, was the original king of the jungle (king of the world, to be more accurate) during the age of the dinosaurs. They were gigantic, intimidating, and extremely strong. B ...
Real snakes give us the heebie jeebies. With their slippery skin, scales, and overall slimy quality, they top our list of most feared animals. But we sure love 'em when they come in a cute paper form! ...
If you've ever taken astronomy before, then you know that the brightest flames - and the brightest stars - burn blue. So if you'r still making your origami stars blue, it's time to think outside the b ...
What a lovely present for your sweetheart on Valentine's Day. What better way to show your loved one that you can't get enough of him/her than by making this cute origami kissing fish? You pinch its ...
Origami art is in and of itself an abstract art form. Instead of realistic depictions of bunnies and trees and cars you have geometric interperatations of them, which means they're highly angular and ...